Maryland’s SB 541 is set to potentially become the strictest privacy law in the US – a huge development in state-level privacy legislation.
Find a detailed explanation of the types of cookies, cookie expiration and why that expiration date matters!
Find out more about the New Hampshire Privacy Act (SB255), the latest in the comprehensive US privacy laws.
A closer look at CFPB’s Proposed Rule 1033 and what it means for both consumers and financial services industry as it moves to open banking.
Google is considering significantly altering its revenue model by potentially charging users for access to its AI-enhanced search features.
In a recent statement, the ICO set out their priorities for 2024 – 2025 for protecting children’s online privacy.
The FTC has taken to X to encourage consumers to report car privacy concerns. Could connected cars be the agency’s next privacy target?
Discover the challenges with Quebec Law 25, how companies have handled requirements, and looking ahead to the future of compliance.
The College Board has agreed to pay $750,000 to settle student privacy allegations following a ruling by Attorney General James.
Find a balance between data compliance and user experience with our comprehensive guide on how to improve cookie consent rates.