Clear Filters
Understand why DSARs are crucial for personal data accountability, how to ensure legal compliance, and build customer trust by prioritizing DSARs.
We explore the potential GDPR violations by Google Analytics, reviewing data protection concerns and potential solutions.
Understand what a Consent Management System (CMS) is and how they help businesses collect and share consent data to build consumer trust.
A cookie management tool provides an efficient way for users to ensure their online privacy and prevent unnecessary data collection by third-party websites.
An overview of EU regulator – EDPB dark patterns guidance to ensure you don’t violate data protection law and harm your users’ trust.
We explore where BetterHelp violated privacy laws and what the FTC’s order means for all businesses operating in the US.
Learn how a Request for Proposal (RFP) can help find the right consent and preference management solution to comply with data privacy.
Discover cookie walls and the Danish DPA’s guidance for using them legally and how they prevent website access without tracking consent or payment.
Explore Quebec’s Bill 64, which exceeds Canada’s federal privacy and data protection laws. Effective September 2023, learn the changes ahead.
Understand how to manage cookies on Mac. Discover the differences in managing cookies when using Safari, Chrome or Firefox.